
Why Did I Start Cooking?

Why Did I Start Cooking?

Cooking was not always something that came natural to me. 

As a child, I naturally wanted to be in the kitchen.

I loved the smell of food.

I was curious about the connection of food from farm to table.

I enjoyed using my hands to create things.

Naturally, I loved watching my mom cook and wanted to learn myself.

However, my mom always shooed me out of the kitchen because of her own fears (My dad worked late so he was never home to cook).




My name is Rachel and I am a Certified Holistic Health Coach. This is my personal weight loss transformation. These two pictures of me represent two very different people. The person on the left was from 2012. She was in college, her diet consisted of lean cuisines and food from a box, and she wasn’t sleeping very well due to all the hours spent on homework. She was extremely stressed and was not incorporating anything to stimulate relaxation to help counteract the poor diet and lack of sleep. Every weekend, she would go out partying and eat more food afterwards, followed by repeating the whole cycle again. She was tired all the time, bloated, and overall unhappy with her life.