55 Take-Out Fake-Out Recipes

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55 Take-Out Fake-Out Recipes


My whole life, I suffered from inflammation and fatigue without even knowing it. 

By the time I turned 21, I was experiencing symptoms of leaky gut, which affected my ability to digest heavy foods.

I knew nothing about nutrition but wanted to find healthy alternatives to what I would normally enjoy.

That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands and teach myself how to cook. 

I prepared 55 recipes that I've modified to be gluten-free and dairy-free.

Each recipe can be modified to fit your dietary needs with a few small tweaks.

This booklet contains recipes for appetizers, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and crockpot.

As a bonus, I have included tips for some food swap ideas.

Ditch the takeout and bring the food back to your kitchen with my easy, healthy, affordable meals.

If you feel called to dive deeper with me, check out my website at www.redefiningalldiets.com or send me an email at redefiningalldiets@gmail.com

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