Instant Pot Steamed Artichokes with Italian Dressing

A tribute to my Aunt Lois’ recipe with a homemade dressing.

I give tribute to my Aunt Lois for this recipe. Food was one of the only things that kept me happy when I was around family. She would always make this on the high holidays after Yom Kippur (Breaking the fast). I remembered her as one of the only family members who wore a smile. It was rare that I ever saw her mad or upset. At her eulogy, she was known as the woman with a green thumb. She loved being outside in the garden. She would make us fresh vegetables to have for appetizers. Out of many delicious foods she brought out, the one that stood out to me the most (besides deviled eggs) was artichokes with Italian dressing. She marinated it overnight in the dressing and topped it with more Parmesan cheese. I wouldn’t leave much for the rest of the guests because it was that good.

I never tried to recreate it on my own until I was given fresh artichokes in my GFP Produce Box. Cooking artichokes wasn’t my priority. I knew instantly that once I saw the fresh artichokes, I was sold on recreating one of my childhood favorite dishes. I decided to go the extra mile and make my own dressing from scratch. I’ve been obsessed with my instant pot, which was the full inspiration for this recipe. I found that I enjoy the artichoke served hot. Find the directions below and take this into your own kitchen.


For the Artichokes:

  • 1-4 medium artichokes

  • ½ lemon, cut into slices

  • 2 cups water or vegetable broth

  • 1 bay leaf

  • Dried herbs to taste (I used oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme, and parsley

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

For the Italian Dressing:

Credits to:

  • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons water

  • 2 teaspoons honey

  • ¼ cup red onion, chopped small

  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 4 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan

  • 2 cloves fresh garlic

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil

  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano

  • Pinch of red pepper flakes

  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste


1)      In your instant pot, pour all the ingredients for the artichokes except the artichokes in the pot.

2)      To prepare the artichoke, do the following. First, cut off the bottom stalks. Next, cut approximately ½ inch off the top. Then, cut off all the brown tops of the leaves with scissors. These are inedible. Last, open the artichoke by rinsing it with water and pulling each layer apart with your thumb. Use some pressure, but not full force.

3)      Repeat for all artichokes. Set them in the instant pot and close the lid. Steam for 40 minutes or until you can pull the artichoke leaves apart easily. I turned the artichokes every 10 minutes.

4)      To make the dressing, blend all of the ingredients together in a high-powered blender or food processor. Process until everything is incorporated.

5)      To eat the artichoke, pull apart all the leaves and eat them with your teeth at the bottom. To eat the heart, remove the fuzzy outer layer and presto! Drizzle Italian dressing on top and serve with more dressing. Enjoy!

Want more recipes that remind you of your childhood? I released an all-new recipe ebook, Quarantine Clean Eating with dishes I created from ingredients around the house.

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Air Fried Broccoli

A creative way to eat your vegetables.

Would your kid eat broccoli if it didn’t taste so bitter? Yuck! I get it. I couldn’t stand to eat a vegetable for the first 21 years of my life. It took me until then to understand the value of what I’m putting into my body. It became more of a priority to start eating vegetables when my other favorite foods started having repercussions. Bloating and gassy and pooping. Oh TMI. But for real though, my body couldn’t digest the foods I was eating anymore. I had no other option but to change my diet unless I wanted to face adverse health issues, such as obesity.

Even with where I’m at, I still don’t like to eat plain vegetables straight raw. If I can find ways for these to taste good, I’ll eat it all day long. Air fried broccoli is my new favorite way to eat broccoli. It reminds me of eating potato chips because they are crunchy. The Flavor God brand of seasoning helps add a new element of flavor I can’t get from salt and pepper alone. I like to mix and match different ones to create the ultimate concoction.


  • 2 heads of broccoli, cut into florets

  • 2 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 3 Tbsp. Flavor God Seasoning (I used nacho cheese and garlic)


  1. Wash the broccoli and cut it into florets.

  2. In a mixing bowl, combine all of the ingredients until evenly coated.

  3. Set the temperature to 390 Degrees, F. Cook, for 8-10 minutes stirring halfway.

  4. Serve with more seasoning and enjoy!

Is your mouth watering yet? I have more recipes like this one to help curb your salty snack craving.

Air Fried Broccoli
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Air Fried Chickpeas

My favorite snack alternative to eating potato chips.

Quarantine has got me like a mad science experiment. I try new recipes on a daily basis like it’s my full-time job. Finding different ways to expand my palate is fun for me. It brings me joy when I create a masterpiece.

One of my favorite meals is snack time. I can eat a meal full of calories with snack food. It’s easy to eat a ton of them, which could wreak havoc to your body if you’re eating junk food.

I found a healthy way in order to combat this habit. Instead of shaming myself for my love of snacks, I felt a sense of peace knowing what I’m putting into my body. When I prepare my food at home, I feel powerful having self-control over eating an entire bag of potato chips. If I end up eating a lot of my own food, I don’t end up eating as many calories. That alone has helped me be able to sustain weight loss for over 8 years. I still allow myself room to eat treat food, but I don’t feel guilty when it’s done in moderation.

Roasted chickpeas are my new #1 favorite salty snack swap. I could eat an entire can of them (although it is not a good idea because it’s a LOT of fiber).

I’ll leave the recipe here so you can have some of these ASAP.


  • 2 (15 oz) cans Garbanzo beans - drained, rinsed, and patted dry

  • 3 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 4 Tbsp. Flavor God Seasoning (I used Nacho Cheese and Taco Tuesday Seasonings)


  1. Preheat air fryer to 390 Degrees F.

  2. Clean garbanzo beans by getting the clear skin off as many as you can.

  3. Mix garbanzo beans, spices, and oil in a mixing bowl.

  4. Cook for 25-30 minutes. Stir after 15 minutes. After 30 minutes, cook and stir in 5 minutes intervals. Cook until they become brown and crunchy, but not burnt.

  5. Serve with more seasoning and enjoy!

Is your mouth watering yet? I have more recipes for you like this one to help curb your salty snack craving.

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Air Fried Zucchini Chips

A creative way to eat your vegetables.

I have become obsessed with my air fryer. I recently received an instapot as a quarantine gift, which has an air fryer component. I’ve been using it almost every day to add a whole new level to my taste buds. I love how crispy everything gets without the sogginess I sometimes get from oven roasting the same exact food. When it comes to making zucchini chips in the oven, one side of the zucchini cooks properly while half of it burns. The first time I tried zucchini chips in the air fryer, they turned out perfectly. Needless to say, I will never be putting my zucchini chips in the oven ever again. They didn’t even last for an hour before my family ate it all. Now, I get to share the recipe behind the deliciousness so you can get your hands on some straight away.


  • 4 small or 3 medium zucchini, sliced

  • 3 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 4 Tbsp. Flavor God Seasoning (I used everything, garlic, and taco seasoning)


  1. Wash your zucchini and pat it dry with a paper towel. Cut the zucchini into thin slices either by hand or with a mandolin.

  2. Mix the zucchini, oil, and seasonings in a bowl.

  3. Set the instapot to air fry at 350 degrees F. Cook for 40 minutes. Stir at 15 minutes and at 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, stir at 5-minute intervals until the zucchini are at your desired crispiness. When they are done, they will be brown and crunchy, but not burnt.

  4. Top with more seasoning and serve while they’re hot!

Is your mouth watering yet? I have more recipes for you like this one to help curb your salty snack craving.

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Restaurant Quality Guacamole

Homemade Guacamole just like you would find in a restaurant.

Homemade Guacamole just like you would find in a restaurant.

Who here besides me totally forgot it was Cinco de Mayo today? * raises hand * It’s been like that already in my household based on the way I’ve been cooking lately. I was put on furlough at my job, so I’ve had nothing but time. I took the opportunity to go inward and re-prioritize the way I want my life to look like going forward. That means having access to lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. When I was on-the-go working at the kitchen last year, it made me realize how important it is to stay healthy and really own that. I took my health for granted. The only way for me to learn that was to have everything come to a complete halt so I had no choice but to slow down.

Slow the lifestyle. Slow the mind, Slow the cravings.

On the surface, this holiday focuses on a lot of boozy deliciousness, tacos, and a glorious amount of fried food.

My mouth waters at all the foodie photos I see across social media.

Why not focus on some healthier ideas to bring to the table?

Move over, queso. Guacamole and pineapple salsa are the star condiments on the table tonight.

Filled with healthy fats, and antioxidants, these will add an array of colors.

Take your Taco Tuesday to the next level with my restaurant-level guacamole and pineapple salsa right in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Homemade Guacamole:


  • 3 medium-sized avocadoes, mashed

  • 1/2 red onion, diced small

  • 1 Roma or vine-ripened tomato, diced small

  • 1 jalapeno, seeded and chopped (** You can leave the seeds in if you like your guacamole spicy)

  • 1/4 bunch cilantro, chopped

  • 1-2 fresh limes, juiced (I add 1.5 limes)

  • Salt and pepper, to taste


1) Cut your avocadoes in half, remove the core, and remove the flesh inside the skin. Scoop it out and put it in a large bowl. Mash it with a masher, mortar & pestle, or a fork.

2) Chop your onion, tomato, and jalapeno small. Add them to the bowl.

3) Wash and dry your cilantro with a paper towel. Chop it small and add it to the bowl.

4) Add the lime juice, salt, and pepper. Mix everything together in the bowl. Adjust the seasonings to your liking. Enjoy any way you like. There are ever-growing ways to add guacamole to anything.


Homemade Pineapple Salsa


  • 1 fresh pineapple, diced small

  • 1/2 red onion, diced small

  • 1 red bell pepper, diced small (I used 1/2 red bell pepper and 1/2 yellow bell pepper in the image below)

  • 1 jalapeno, seeded and chopped (** You can leave the seeds in if you like your guacamole spicy)

  • 1/4 bunch cilantro, chopped

  • 1-2 fresh limes, juiced (I add 1.5 limes)

  • Salt and pepper, to taste


1) To prepare the pineapple, do the following: First, cut off both ends. Lay the pineapple flat on the cutting board. Using your knife, cut off the skin until you see the flesh of the pineapple. Flip onto the other side and remove any skin you missed. Cut in half and cut those halves in half again (quarters). The middle of the pineapple is not edible, so you want to cut it off on each quarter. Using your knife, cut the white part off until only the yellow flesh remains. You’ll want to cut it on an angle. Cut each quarter into thin strips and chop it super small. That will leave you the small diced pieces you are looking for.

** If this is confusing, please contact me at and I will walk you through it step-by-step.

2) Chop your onion, pepper, and jalapeno small. Add them to the bowl.

3) Wash and dry your cilantro with a paper towel. Chop it small and add it to the bowl.

4) Add the lime juice, salt, and pepper. Mix everything together in the bowl. Adjust the seasonings to your liking. Enjoy on some tacos, with guacamole or even with some fish.

Pineapple Salsa

Need some more ideas on what to use these with? I created a recipe ebook during quarantine with over 30 of my favorite recipes. Almost every single meal can be topped with my salsa or guacamole.

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Cashew Veggie Miso Dip

With this quick, easy, and delicious Cashew Veggie Miso Dip, you can eat your your dip without realizing you are eating veggies.

Do you love eating dip but don't know how to cook? Do you find yourself shoving down that bag of chips during your favorite sports game and don't even realize how much you ate? Have no fear! With this quick, easy, and delicious Cashew Veggie Miso Dip, you can eat your your dip without the bloated feeling afterwards. You even get an extra added bonus of eating veggies without even realizing it! 


  • 2 cups cashews

  • 3 Tbsp. of nutritional yeast or the veggie seasoning I used (which I will post below)

  • 2-3 large carrots

  • 1/4 white onion

  • 2-3 T. miso paste

  • 2-3 cups water or veggie broth

  • Salt and Pepper

  • White and Black Sesame Seeds for topping (optional)

  • Cucumbers or other veggies for dipping


1) Chop up your carrots and onions into small pieces. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, since you'll be putting it in the blender.
2) Combine cashews, veggies, and spices (except miso paste) into a pot.
** Note: If you don't have a high powered blender, soak and cover your cashews in water overnight with just enough water top the cashews to make them easier to blend.
3) Turn on the heat to medium and let it come to a boil.
4) Remove from heat and add your miso paste.
5) Transfer all your ingredients to the blender. Blend until everything is combined and smooth.
6) Top with sesame seeds and serve with veggies. Enjoy!


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