Soups/Stews, Vegetarian Dishes, Vegan Dishes Rachel Duxler Soups/Stews, Vegetarian Dishes, Vegan Dishes Rachel Duxler

Homemade Vegetable Stock

How to make homemade vegetable stock using the scraps from leftovers.

How to make homemade vegetable stock using the scraps from leftovers.

I can’t believe I only started using this technique recently. I don’t know about you, but I grew up eating bullion cubes as a base for my soup with some water. Little did I know how much sodium is in those things. Once I read the ingredient label, I swore I would never cook with one again. The beauty of this technique is that you’re saving vegetable scraps from parts you would normally throw away. All of the peels and butts of the vegetables you don’t normally eat are the perfect medley for creating a homemade stock. On top of no longer wasting parts of the vegetables, you’re saving money by no longer buying broth from the store. Thanks to this recipe, I have been able to elevate my dishes with a level of freshness that I have not been able to achieve in the last 8 years of cooking. Find my life-changing recipe below.


  • 4-6 cups leftover vegetable scraps such as onions, carrots, celery, green onion, and asparagus

  • Chicken fat from 2 lbs chicken breasts ** optional

  • 3-4 cloves fresh garlic, peeled

  • 1/4 cup Seitenbacher Vegetable Broth Seasoning

  • 1 tsp dried oregano

  • ½ tsp Italian Seasoning

  • 1 tsp fresh rosemary

  • 1 tsp dried thyme

  • 1/2 tsp ground mustard

  • 2 scoops Herbs de Province

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 8-10 cups water, divided


1) Save enough vegetable scraps within a 2-week period to make the process worth your time. Leave the scraps sealed in Tupperware or in the fridge.

2) Add water, fresh herbs, vegetables, and chicken fat to a large stockpot. Only add enough water to fill to the top of the veggies.

3) Bring to a boil for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low and add more water. Bring to a boil for 15 more minutes. Repeat process 2x for a total of 1 hour.

4) Remove from the heat and let it cool for a few hours. Once cooled, with a thin-lined strainer and transfer it to Mason jars (or Tupperware if you don’t have any).

5) Enjoy with soups, stews, or as part of a sauce for your favorite dish! Will keep up to 2 weeks in the fridge.

Not sure what to prepare with the stock? With the RAD Meal Plan and Cooking Package, I’ll teach you how to use every ingredient and elevate it into a family worthy meal. Click the button below to find out more information.

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