Snacks/Sides, Korean Dishes, Fermented Food Rachel Duxler Snacks/Sides, Korean Dishes, Fermented Food Rachel Duxler

Kimchi Pancakes

Just like you would get from the Asian store straight from your kitchen.

Just like you would get from the Asian store straight from your kitchen.

Growing up, I had a bunch of Korean friends who would share dishes with me that reminded them of home. From bulgogi to kalbe and a variety of fried rice, it was food my parents had never and would probably never prepare for me. I enjoyed it all and certainly more than the processed and less extraordinary foods back home. That said, there was a dish I didn't enjoy as much that was prepared around me quite often, Kimchi. As most of you may know, it’s a dish full of flavor and in this instance, it was incredibly spicy. So much so that I could hardly get it down! The level of spice was unlike anything I was familiar with and thus I wrote it off for the past two decades as food I just couldn't get down to.

Fast forward a bit, and one day I found myself at an Asian store shopping for a few essentials. There, they had prepared Kimchi pancakes, and being the spontaneous devil that I am, figured I'd give it another go. Lo and behold, I actually enjoyed them and boy did it open up my palette to new flavors again! I enjoyed them so much I decided I had to try and make a batch of my own some time, and it turns out that time is now :) Moving and leaving for Florida recently has offered me many an opportunity to expand in the kitchen, and expand I did. I started pickling a variety of delicious eats, including Kimchi, and realized just how amazing fermented foods were for my ever-changing gut health, especially with digestion as it’s always been a problem for me! Nowadays, I'll use Kimchi on fried rice, soups, and even salads without hesitation :)

About a month after I moved to Florida, I went to a Fourth of July party and I made the Kimchi pancakes for the first time for my friends to sample. They hadn't really tried my food yet, and I wanted an unbiased review of a dish unfamiliar to most people. By the time the night was over, the entire plate was almost gone, I was happy that the reviews came out positive. Not everyone enjoys Kimchi, but everyone who does enjoy this dish. It pairs well with a hoisin-based sauce that I made. The sauce elevates it to the next level by adding that level of sweetness from an already quite salty pancake.

All together, this dish has only 15 ingredients, which is less than what you would find in one that you would get from the store. Each part of this dish is a labor of love starting from the Kimchi all the way up to the sauce. I selectively choose my favorite dishes to share with the RAD fam. Find my recipe for Kimchi Pancakes below.

Kimchi Pancakes


  • 6 Tbsp. rice flour (or other GF flour)

  • 1 cup drained, chopped Kimchi, plus 1/4 cup brine liquid (or 1/4 cup vegetable broth)

  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

  • 3-4 Green onions or 2 scallions, thinly chopped

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 Tsp sugar

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil for frying (or use Vegetable Oil)

    For the Sauce:

  • 1/4 Cup Hoisin Sauce

  • 3 Tbsp. Oyster Sauce

  • 2 Tbsp. Mirin or Rice Wine Vinegar

  • 1 Tbsp. GF Tamari or Soy Sauce

  • 1/4 cup vegetable broth, divided

  • 1 Tsp fresh ginger

  • 1 tsp fresh garlic

  • Top with sesame seeds


In a medium-sized bowl, stir together all ingredients, except oil until a thick batter forms.

In a large, nonstick skillet, heat 2 Tbsp. oil over medium heat. Scoop 1/4 cup servings into the pan and cook ~3-4 minutes or until golden brown. Flip and firmly press down on them with the back of your spatula. Cook for another 3-4 minutes on the other side until golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack or paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess grease.

Serve on a nice platter or separate plate and enjoy with the sauce.

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